Construction process using The Robust
Building System.

The Robust building system consists of conventional cast in situ concrete surface beds with thickened edge beams and thickening under internal walls constructed of factory produced expanded metal panels to which mortar is applied on both faces. Mortar is applied to panels mechanically. Mechanically applied mortar may be applied wet (pumped) or dry (gunited). Both faces of core are plastered. External walls are 115mm thick and internal walls 90mm. All other building material such as roofs, electrical, plumbing, window, doors, etc. are standard and conventional items.
Where the Robust System is to be used in the Southern Coastal Condensation Problem Area, insulated ceilings are installed in all cases and outer walls are 130mm thick and given an additional 15mm external finish of Pratliperl plaster. 


Generally, raft foundations are recommended for housing, although other methods may be used. Foundations and slabs are dug and filled with concrete, which can stand for a period of 24 hours before the frame is constructed. Demarcation of wall plan is done on the slab before erection of panels to ensure that all aspects of the structure, including internal electrical and plumbing installations have been carefully planned.

Raft Foundation for Robust IBT Building System at Centurion School Motheo Construction Group


Core is manufactured from Mild Steel Coils. Robust Core panels can be manufactured to any length up to 6,0m. The sheets measure 430mm in width with a weight of 3,55kg/m². Core panels are bound together by means of overlapping and securing panels with drywall screws. Bottom and top U-Channel tracks are secured to the core panels with binding wire and mesh reinforcing is applied to both sides of these panels adding strength and stability.

GDE IBT ABT School construction in Centurion Motheo Construction Group


Damp proof membrane is applied on top of concrete slab on demarcated areas before wall erection can commence. The assembled wall panels are uplifted, erected and kept in place by means of Robust-jig supporting arms. The bottom rails are then secured to slab and all joining corners are squared, aligned and stabilized. Any conventional roofing system can be utilised with the Robust wall. To prevent the hassle of beam filling after roof assembly, roof trusses can be recessed into wall panels and secured by means of truss hangers or brackets.

Robust ABT building System Vertical Binding Jig for Construction


All electrical and plumbing required is easily installed in the natural V's of the W-shape (concertina) of the panel. The door and window openings are provided for by marking and cutting out the wall panel to the desired measurements for fitment purposes. After doors and windows are cut, a mortar mix is applied to all the external and internal walls by spraying it onto the reinforced steel mesh panels using the Robust Mortar Pump, designed for this purpose. When spraying the mortar, the thickness is measured to the outside diameter of the reinforcement fixed horizontally to panels. The sprayed walls are then plastered and finished off to resemble a conventional building.

Robust Building System Alternative Building Technology ABT


The Robust Building System is adaptable to any door or window type. Steel doors and windows fixed in place before mortar application whereas aluminium and wooden doors and windows are fitted after mortar application. All finishes as per conventional brick & mortar systems are to client’s specifications. The architect’s drawing determines the overall style of the building. The finished product is not only sturdy and attractive, but the usable internal floor area is larger per m² than traditional built homes since the Robust walls are thinner than conventional building systems. The completed product in comparison with conventional plastered walls will look and feel exactly the same with one exception, it is thinner.


Short video clips showing a walkthrough of an erected structure before and during mechanically applied mortar application.

Head Office

37 Apex Rd, Apex Industrial Sites, Benoni, 1540.
P.O. Box 634, Benoni, 1500                 


Unit 4 A & B, Poplar Secure Park, 16 Lancaster Rd, Benoni-South
